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tool_retrofit [2024/02/02 10:29]
tool_retrofit [2024/02/02 10:31] (current)
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 ==== Saving Capital Costs and Enhancing Data with TransSECS Retrofits and Data Mesh ==== ==== Saving Capital Costs and Enhancing Data with TransSECS Retrofits and Data Mesh ====
 +{{ :pasted:20240202-103034.png?200}}
 === How one fab saved the $2.5+M cost of a new tool with an ErgoTech Retrofit=== === How one fab saved the $2.5+M cost of a new tool with an ErgoTech Retrofit===
 ErgoTech is the champion of retrofits.  With unmatched software and hardware solutions and the skill and personnel to reverse-engineer protocols and systems.  And we've been around long enough that some of the components you consider obsolete we recommended as state of the art back in the day - experience matters. [[[cid]=6&edit[subject]=Semiconductor Automation"|Please contact us]] to ask how we can save you money and enhance your data collection with retrofits. ErgoTech is the champion of retrofits.  With unmatched software and hardware solutions and the skill and personnel to reverse-engineer protocols and systems.  And we've been around long enough that some of the components you consider obsolete we recommended as state of the art back in the day - experience matters. [[[cid]=6&edit[subject]=Semiconductor Automation"|Please contact us]] to ask how we can save you money and enhance your data collection with retrofits.
-{{ :pasted:20240202-095147.png?200|}}+
 ==== Tools and Skills ==== ==== Tools and Skills ====
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 ==== Background and Experience ==== ==== Background and Experience ====
 +{{ :pasted:20240202-095147.png?200|}}
 At ErgoTech we have extensive experience in tool automation. We've been providing SECS/GEM and automation solutions to fabs and equipment builders for 20+ years. Over that time we've refined our tools increasing the capability while making them simple to use. You can focus on solving problems and delivering data and automation rather than struggling with archaic tools.  At ErgoTech we have extensive experience in tool automation. We've been providing SECS/GEM and automation solutions to fabs and equipment builders for 20+ years. Over that time we've refined our tools increasing the capability while making them simple to use. You can focus on solving problems and delivering data and automation rather than struggling with archaic tools. 
  • tool_retrofit.1706891357.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024/02/02 10:29
  • by wikiadmin